Cuban Folklore
Kids & Youth Program
Come dance with us on the way to the Cuban Pavilion..
Dance World is delighted to offer our Cuban Folklore Youth and Kids Program, with the support from the Friends of the Cuban Arts Association, where we are able to offer an opportunity to our kids and youth to explore the enchanting world of Cuban music, rhythms and sound.
Through expert instruction, our students will learn about distinct Cuban rhythms, dance forms, music styles and legends that are deeply rooted in Afro-Cuban heritage, with the opportunity to perform during the week of Folklorama’s Cuban Pavilion happening in August 2025.
Program Information
Saturdays | April 5 - August 9 | No classes during long weekends
Cuban Minis Class (3-6 yrs) Saturdays 12pm-1pm
Cuban Youth Class (7-13 yrs) Saturdays 1pm-2pm
**NOTE: As time winds down closer to the Cuban Pavilion week, extra practices and full tech rehearsal will be communicated in advance
Shayla Pino
Assistant Instructors:
Cassandra Magri & Geraldine Restrepo
460 Main Street - Ted Motyka Dance Studio
- entrance through the parking lot, back pink door
Last year’s Cuban Kids Program Show!
Unsure of what to expect? Here’s a look at last year’s kids performance at our Cuban Pavilion! See your child shine on stage as they dance to the beats of Cuban music.
Cuban Folklore Kids & Youth Program
Studio Location
460 Main Street - Ted Motyka Dance Studio
Located at the corner of McDermot and Main Street
Go through parking lot with entrance through back PINK doors
Studio Rules:
Upon entrance, outdoor shoes must be removed and placed on shoe racks provided
Refrain from touching studio mirrors at any time
Children are not to run around studio, unless instructed by teachers during class